Isu sembelit selepas bersalin atau constipation post-delivery ni memang normal regardless of delivery type, whether you had a normal Episiotomy procedure or a Caesarean. This blog post is dedicated to help mums out there yang suffer dengan masalah ni. Anggaplah aku bercerita ni dari segi pengalaman dan dengan izin Allah s.w.t semoga segala yang diterjemahkan di sini dapat menolong anda. Isu ni quite big for those who really experienced it just like me.
Range of period for this issue to last mostly depends on our body, diet sebelum dan sebaik sahaja bersalin, diet semasa pantang, ubat penahan sakit seperti epidural, morfin, senaman atau pergerakan anda selepas bersalin. Some medications can cause constipation, including cough syrups, pain medications that contain codeine, some antidepressents, iron supplements, blood pressure and heart medicines, calcium supplements, and some antihistamines (Balch, 2010).
Di bawah ni ubat/makanan yang telah dicuba oleh aku sendiri sepanjang mengalami masalah ini post-delivery of my daughter 2 years ago and recently a baby boy after a month ago:
Fibre (Sawi Pak Choy)
Well, most of old folks really forbid any veges for those in confinement period. Padah le jawabnye kalau langsung tak makan sayur! Lesson learned from my experience, based on my Q&A with my doctor, bidan dan tukang urut, cuma sayur jenis ni yang tak memudaratkan (badan tak berangin, good for digestion, tolerate with your bladder, not affecting your breastfeeding and your baby)
Fibre (Red Apple)
It helps! Make it a habit to eat 1 red apple a day between your meal ya. Boleh jugak tambah susu badan. No harm to both mums and baby as well.
Fibre (Nutrilite Nutri Fibre Blend)
This chewable vitamin kene ambik sebelum setiap kali makan nasi. Aku ambik sebelum makan tengahari (12 tghr) dan malam (7 mlm). Setiap tablet mengandungi 1.7g dietary fibre yang sudah diproses and it helps a lot!. No harm to both mums and baby.
Hot & Well-cooked Rice
Tidak keras dan sejuk sebab kalau keras dan berbutir sangat pun jadi faktor kepada ketidakhadaman... yelah, letih nak kunyah nasi keras kan? tambah pula perut belum betul-betul dapat berfungsi normal selepas bersalin.
Treated/Filtered Hot Water
Silalah minum air yang bertapis atau telah dirawat terlebih dahulu. Air paip yang dimasak sahaja tak semestinya bersih. Amalkan meminum air suam setiap kali selepas menyusu supaya badan anda dapat restore back the liquid. Avoid drinking cold water!
Olive Oil (Original & High Quality)
A spoon of olive oil in the morning and before go to bed. Or if your problem is not so serious, just amalkan in the morning. It helps soothen stool movement to the rectum. Tambah pula, olive oil kan salah satu makanan yang disebut di dalam Al-Qur'an kita.
Hot Milk
Regardless of the brand, amalkan meminum susu (tidak kira berapa banyak gelas) setiap hari. Mums, you can drink it while eating your crackers and cookies too. Aku faham yang breastfeeding mums memang cepat rasa lapar tetapi at the same time kene jaga badan juga. As for me, I like eating crackers with a cup of milk between meals. Please don't ever drink cold milk ya!
After-Birth Pills
Mums in confinement often take herb pills or jamu. But be careful as those pills sometimes can lead you to constipation or in some cases could contribute jaundice to baby. Aku ambik pil herba tetapi pil tersebut menolong mengurangkan masalah sembelit aku... ia dipanggil juga vege pills. Well, to disclose this great product, I use Tropical Herbs and the after-birth pills 1 and 2 is great! it helps to strengthen my body and reduce body weight.
Banyak menolong mengembalikan keadaan usus kepada normal. Safe for both breastfeeding mums and baby. Banyak produk probiotics dijual di farmasi dan klinik-klinik biasa. Aku pernah menggunakan Progutt, Bon-biotics, dan juga ProKids based on doctor advices. Probiotics boleh didapati sama ada dalam bentuk serbuk atau pil. Probiotics is safe for mums and baby.
This is what you will get when you ask for constipation relief med from your O&G specialist. Rasanya manis dan diberikan from the moment you bersalin until fifth day atau sampai bila-bila anda rasa perlu. Aku pernah ambik ni, tapi baby aku pulak cam affected by it, berak cair jer. So, aku stop ler.
Sama dengan Duphalac. Boleh didapati di farmasi atau klinik biasa je.
Memaksa perut anda membuang! You will feel surge of pain in your stomach and rush of adrenaline to go to the toilet. Memang sakit perut dan anda tidak akan berasa lega selagi belum berakhir (ha-ha!). Bahaya ni... Please avoid this unless it is necessary (consider taking it if 3-5 days anda tidak membuang)
Air Sabun
Injection of liquid via your rectum. Otot usus anda akan memaksa pembuangan berlaku! Bentuk bekas air sabun pun memang masuk akal tapi sila pastikan ini langkah terakhir yang anda ambil kerana pengambilan berterusan akan menyebabkan luka di bahagian dalam rektum anda. Overuse of this method will contribute to bleeding.
Minyak Gamat
Selalu pastikan anda menyapu minyak gamat di bahagian yang luka sebab ia betul-betul cepat menyembuhkan luka.
You should always remember to ensure your body gets the right multivitamins/ supplements ya. Let's read the below citation from "Balch, Phyllis A. (2010). Prescription for Nutritional Healing, Fifth Edition. Avery, New York."
- Destroys harmful bacteria in the colon
Vit C with Bioflavonoids
- Has a cleansing and healing effect
Apple pectin
- A source of fiber that aids in correcting constipation
- For bowel flora replacement to improve assimilation of nutrients from foods
Chlorophyll liquid/Alfalfa
- Eliminates toxins and bad breath
Essential fatty acids
- Restores proper fatty acid balance to aid in proper bowel movements
Kyo-Dophilus from Wakunaga
- Aids in normal bowel function.
Multienzyme complex
- To aid digestion
Multivitamin & mineral complex with Vit A & mixed carotenoids
- Use a formula without iron
Oxy-Cleanse from Earth's Bounty
- Removes harmful anaerobic pathogens from digestive tract
Vit B complex & folic acid
- Aids in digestion and prevent anemia
Vit D plus calcium and magnesium
- Aids in preventing colon cancer. Calcium needed for proper muscular contraction and Mg works with Cal to regulate muscle tone
Vit E
- Aids in healing of the colon.
That's all I can share with mums out there! And about the reference book, I just cited the important part. For the whole content, you can find it in your nearest bookstore. Please feel free to comment about this blog post at anytime ya.
Dun worry, B happy :)