The Best, The Cheapest and A Complete Postnatal Care Set

Ref. No.: TH01-13
Price: RM365.70 (exclude delivery charges)
Status: Ready-stock

*This month promotion: Buy a set and you will get a baby oil FREE!

In a set, you will get...


Cotton Abdominal Binder
Used together with firming herbal blend, it tones abdominal muscles and skin, promotes good posture for breastfeeding mums, and helps the body return to its prenatal condition. It measures from upper waist to lower thigh.

Firming Herbal Blend
Purified clay with lime juice and ground herbs used together with the cotton abdominal binder helps mothers tighten abdominal areas and regain their prenatal shapes. Also clears blemishes or spots that appear on the abdominal skin when it contracts.

Herbal Douche
Relieves discomfort due to stitches and inflammation in the genital areas. This mixture of herbs is aromatic, which deodorizes the genitals. It is also high in tannin, which helps contract genital tissues and accelerate healing. Contains herbs such as betel nut, turmeric, oak gall, wild ginger, and guava leaf.

Herbal Tea
A tonic fashioned after the post natal treatment practiced by the Perak royal house, it is used immediately after birth to cleanse the system and clear blood clots from the uterus. Containing turmeric, oak gall, ginger, white and black pepper, it is also improves blood circulation and relieves vaginal tissue inflammation.

After Birth 1
 Pills that help restore energy, improve blood circulation and speed up healing. Combine herbs traditionally used in Ayurveda system in a vegetable capsule as well as shatavari, which increases milk secretion.

After Birth 2
These pills help mothers regain shape internally and externally. Contain a combination of herbs that are highly astringent to aid in uterus and vaginal muscle contractions.

Herbal Bath
Highly aromatic tropical herbs and flowers revive the body and lift the mood. Other herbs such as citronella and lime leaf soothe tired, aching muscles while turmeric and usnea barbata provide antibacterial and anti-fungal properties to tackle minor skin problems, including itchiness and rashes.

Herbal Massage Oil
Specially concocted massage oil produced from herbs boiled meticulously. A time-tested formula that helps remove toxin from the body, it provides antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, anti-fungal, and astringent properties. Made using palm oil rich in vitamins E and A, it also warms the skin and stimulates blood circulation to relax stressed muscles.

Baby Oil
An all-natural formulation that effective against wind and colic. It is formulated using 100% plant and essential oils without containing menthol or menthyl salicylate. Can be used daily on infants; only one or two drops per application is sufficient.

Warming Herbal Blend
When applied on the whole body (except the hands and feet), it helps circulate blood and minimizes water retention. Herbs used in this blend include ginger, black seed, nutmeg, cloves, and turmeric.

Calming Herbal Blend
Containing cooling herbs such as black seed, turi leaves and tamarind, it helps reduce headache caused by lack of sleep. A dab on the forehead also refreshes and counters heaviness around the eyes.