Harini aku plan nak bayar the rest of the bills. Paling malas nak bayar bil air sebab Focus Management nye prosedur memang leceh. They cannot detect payment made via online transfer unless aku print out receipt dan fax over kat dieorg. Zaman sekarang ni, dah banyak method of payment yang canggih-manggih so, kene la improve untuk tak ketinggalan zaman.
Next issue is pasal refund from AirAsia sebab aku and partner nak kensel flight ticket to Brunei this April. Tapi punye susah nak dapat reach their call center, memang impossible la pada pendapat aku. Hantar emel pun tak reply dan last sekali aku hantar, dieorg suh aku send to correct emel address. Hm... pada pendapat aku, pe salahnya dieorg redirect my email to the correct address or escalate je dekat customer service centre.
Aku sebenarnya start guna perkhidmatan AirAsia ni since dieorg start beroperasi lagi. Punye la excited time tu sebab kampung jauh so, aku prefer pengangkutan yang cepat sampai ke destinasi.Tapi sekarang kualiti dah cam bas ekspres je, nothing special. At least bagi le gift ke pe ke kat loyal customer like me. I'm expecting something like shopping voucher and they should thinking of how to retain customers sebab manusia kat Malaysia ni boleh pilih pelbagai pilihan lain.
Back to my issue about refund, kat T&C in their website stated that rupa-rupanya once payment confirmed, the ticket cannot be refunded anymore. Yang boleh refund hanyalah fees spt airport tax. Pity me!
That evening, untuk memujuk hati aku yang sakit sbb kes refund berjaya gak aku beli Personal Money mag time lunch. Memang that is my obsession nowadays, reading about financial. It actually has opened up my mind to financial management and investment. (Perasan je walaupun aku pun quite sengkek. hehe...)
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