Positive Image

It is just another day to think of positive words and how to portray positive image. These words are cited from a colleague's motivational para down his e-mail signature. No harm reading and to think about it ;)

"Realise it's possible instead of telling yourself why you can't. Squash negative thoughts like a bug and replace them with positive thoughts. Love what you already have and be grateful for your life, your gifts and other people. Everyday, focus on what you have not on what you don't have. Don't compare yourself to others but be inspired by them. Accept criticism with grace but ignore the naysayers. See bad things as blessing in disguise and see failure as a stepping stone to success. Surround yourself by those who are positive. Complain less and smile more. Image that you are already positive, then become that person in your next act."

p/s: love it, don't you?... (^-^)
