Graduation Day @ UTM, Skudai Johore

It has been about a week ago since my graduation day. I have absolutely no time to upload the photos and post my story. Merely being humble to tell you that I have lesson learned from the event. Don't ever forget to bring extra garments! Since I didn't bring the main attire for the conferment, I was escorted by the most significant other to most shops and retail centers just to look for it. We've been out for nearly a day and only managed to grab a not-so-attractive-yet-last-minute-dress at the night market.

night market at JB town

The day the earth beneath me stood still...

It's either the 'S' robe or me is too small

After the graduation
A bouquet of flower from the significant other. Thank you (^-^)

Our Iranian friends

Outdoor shooting

We've done outdoor shootings later on. At that precise moment, the shoe is slowly hurting my ankles.

A bouquet of flower from Poorya R.  Thank you (^-^)

Right now, I'm thinking about pursuing studies to PhD. Hope I can register myself before end of next year. Wish me luck!
