Inconsiderate Neighbours

This is a story of inconsiderate neighbour. Far away at my parents' house, a neighbour of ours was renovating the house. Despite the presence of ours at the moment of construction, the workers merely let go several wood logs fell into our porch. The neighbour did not do anything or even apologize to clear up the mess. The next day already is Friday, which means public holiday in Kelantan. Before they went back to breaking fast and wrapping up the work, supposedly they clear up the junk inside our territory first but nothing has been done. Another section, wood logs left abandoned on the half-completed roof, which to our concern was they could fall down any moment. Dad finally climbed onto the ladder and put the logs into safer position. Do they have manner?

Please be careful with such neighbour because safety is not their priority what more our heart feelings.


NeighboursNeighbours [PAL/REGION 4 DVD. Import-Australia]Waking Up the NeighboursKnife Mirror (Scare the Bits Out of Your Neighbours!)Visiting Neighbour by Taylor 11x14Gibsons Meeting the Neighbours jigsaw puzzle. (1000 pieces) [Toy]Neighbors From Hell (Nintendo Ds)Neighbors [VHS]
