Take Away Food at SS2 Roundabout, Petaling Jaya

by - January 15, 2010

It's Friday again. My colleague and I wandered around SS2 area, looking for food. It's nice to know that in front of Masjid al-Mujahideen at SS2 roundabout there were food stalls with variety of food. I was informed by a friend that the food stalls only open on Friday afternoon especially for Muslims who go for Friday Prayer ('Solat Jumaat'). So, we ended up tapau the food for lunch at the office that afternoon.

My colleague bought Bihun Sup. I tasted a bit of it ~ Superb!

This is mine... Nasi Beriyani with Lamb Curry and Dalca

Air Cendol ~ Nice one!

Spicy Fried Chicken to be eaten with Nasi Beriyani. Do not miss this!

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