^Journey to work did not end up smoothly. I sighed, looking at a motorcyclist at Ampang petrol station. He’s filling up fuel for only MYR 5 and buzz-away.
“I wish I can do that, I’ll be able to save more money using motorcycle”
5 minutes after finished filling up the tank, I tried to start the car but for the third times, the engine went dead. My friend tried again, for more than 10 times but still no sign, we went panic.
“Something wrong with this car”
I can’t believe this. Is it true what my old folks told me? Never sigh about the car when you are inside it. It must be what I have said earlier. But this had nothing to do with a machine. It is a myth, totally!
We have to cry out some help from my friend's father. He arrived in his tracksuit, put a jumper from his car engine to mine. We finally start the engine but it took about 30 minutes and we were running late to work. So, we decided to miss work for today and went to NAZA service center in Setapak. Weird though, that we have sent the car for servicing few weeks ago and today we faced this problem. We believed had complained the same thing before this. However, we do not show our temper to the agent once arrived. There is long queue to wait until our car’s turn. We finished at noon and have to pay for the service charge MYR 22. They said it’s in their company policy that we still have to pay regardless of any issue. It is for the labor effort and so on.
So, they said it is the battery; the battery is weak. I was lucky did not purchase the battery at the center. They charged MYR 350 for wet cell battery but we did check with friends the original cost outside and it costs not more than MYR 150! Has NAZA think of the marketing plan before do the sales?
Since the car has been 1 year from purchase date, I think it is time for the heart to be replaced. I changed it at a shop somewhere in Wangsa Melawati. They offered a dry cell battery at only MYR 140; 1 year warranty with a life span of 2 years from the date.
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