Fruity Salad Pasta

Try it, it's so simple!

A bunch of Pasta
A bunch of Chicken Stock
A bunch of Coconut Milk
A bunch of Fruits (whatever fruit u like-make it variety)
A pinch of Salt
A pack of Almonds/Nuts/etc

The steps:
1) Boil the Chicken Stock + Coconut Milk + Pasta (don't overcook)
2) Toss it afterwards
3) Mix all the bunch2 thingy things and salt in 1 bowl
4) Put almonds/nuts/etc on top of it
5) Ready to be served


  1. What’s up wit u and food … becoming a mamee monster ????

  2. i'm a future cook to be.
    don't get jealous u idot.
    at least i know how to prepare food, not only eat them...

  3. A bunch of this, a bunch of that...
    Presto! Gourmet food for an eating machine!


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